From: Kit Barker <>
To: Obligations list <>
Date: 12/08/2010 05:04:03 UTC
Subject: Fellowship Opportunities

Private hospitals -- direct claim from a wrongdoer?

TC Beirne School of Law - University of Queensland -  Distinguished Visiting Fellowship 2011


Dear list-members,


Jason has kindly given his permission in the past for me to circulate details of this annual scheme to ODG members, so I am taking the liberty of doing so again this year.

The scheme is open to scholars from any field of legal study, not just those with an interest in obligations. So please feel free to pass on its details to others.

The deadline for applications for anyone wishing to visit in 2011 is 1 November 2010.


More information and the application form can be found at:


Best Wishes,




 Kit Barker

Associate Professor,

TC Beirne School of Law

Phone: +61 7 33467609

Fax:     +61 7 33651454


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